Corporate Profile

Company History

Toward Next Generation (Year 1985 - 2012)

Product History

Year 1985

Participated Air Conditioning Design of Tokyo Indoor Stadium.

Year 1986

Participated the construction of "world most advanced clean room".

Year 1987

Compact type Terminal AHU named "Calm-Multi" was completed.

Year 1988

Participated the development of Refrigerant Natural-Circulation System "VCS".

Year 1990

Participated the development of personal air conditioning system.

Year 1991

Compact type AHU named "Air-Joy" was completed.

Year 1992

AHU c/w Plug Fan was completed.

Year 1994

Participated the development Refrigerant Natural-Circulating
system "Shizen-Multi".
Most Advanced Fan-Filter Unit for Clean Room was completed.

Year 1996
GT type AHU

Al-Zn made double skinned AHU "GT type AHU" was completed.

Year 1998

Established "Open Net Work System" for Product Development.

Year 1999
Series 21

New Fan Coil Unit "Series 21" was completed.

Year 2003

Frame-less constructed New Series Compact AHU was developed.

Year 2004

Release PH type AHU to the market.
Achieved Freon gas free production for all type AHU.

Year 2006

PH Type AHU won "The 20th Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan Association Award" and "Technology Promotion Award".

Year 2008
Heapon Sys-Pak

Heat-Pump type AHU "Heapon Sys-Pak" was completed. New Model Unit was completed.

Year 2009

AHU c/w "Double-Plug Fan" was completed.

Year 2011
Relief Air AHU

Relief Air AHU won "The 25th Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan Association Award" and "Technology Promotion Award".

Year 2012
'Solar Thermal Type Desiccant System' worked by six organizations including SINKO won 'The 10th Japan Environmental Management Awards'.

"Solar Thermal Type Desiccant System" worked by six organizations including SINKO won "The 10th Japan Environmental Management Awards".